Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas with the Haneys - or - Christmas Reflections

Grandma and the grandaughters, minus one. Adelina couldn't make it because of the weather.

As I watch Andy's grandparents deteriorate, two of my coworker's elderly parents give in to dementia, and my own dear grandmother turns 78 this year, I am reminded that every moment I have with her is a precious gift. I am thankful for her health - Andy's grandparents we not in as good health at her age. But the day will come, and may not be far off, where I will not be able to talk to her as I can now. Oh, may I never take her for granted.

My cousin Lauren, the taller one on my left, is ten years my junior. She and I have always been kindred spirts for some reason. She is fifteen now and a freshman in high school and is as tall as I am (gasp!). She is a real beauty, in face, spirit, and soul. She shared with me a book that she wrote about me when she was in sixth grade. She dedicated it to me, her best cousin and best friend (I didn't think I deserved such praise).

The story was of me at age ten. We had just moved to Oregon from Texas and were staying with my Uncle Steve and Aunt Amy, her parents (Auntie Amy was pregnant with Lauren at the time). They lived on a farm in Newberg (what a treat!). In the field were some unearthed rocks - big ones, small ones, all kinds. And I would play on the rocks. They were my own little world. Unlce Steve told Lauren about my adventures on the rocks.

I was a pirate searching for treasure.

I was a teacher, teaching my stuffed animals how to add as they sat at their rock desks.

I was stranded on a tropical island and played with crabs and sea turtles.

What fun! She was a bit embarrassed, as a freshman in high school, to show me something she did as a sixth grader. But I hope my tears of delight made her feel better! I told her that she cannot throw it away and if she ever even thinks about it that she has to give it to me. Such a sweet time. I wish we could see each other more often.

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

How quickly time moves. How nice to get a story from your cousin like that.