Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Beethoven said that only the pure in heart can make good soup. I can't take credit for any purity of heart in relation to the above tomato soup - that belongs to Amy's Organics - but I'd like to say that the addition of tortellini smiles and sourdough ears are much to recommend me.

Now this one I can claim. Chicken Noodle. I'll call it Dr. H's Magical Feel Better Potion.

Why so much soup, you ask? We have been very ill. You know those little tubs of "cheese" with the blue lid? Delicious on crackers? Right. I don't think we will have any more of that any time soon. I should have known better... is it even cheese? Maybe it's like hot dogs - you just don't want to know.

So. Nothing like soup to put us on the mend. That must be why Beethoven said it - I can't think of an impure person being able to make something that has such magical healing powers.


Anonymous said...

What a likeness!!! That tomato soup looks exactly like you and Andy. Amazing!


KeriAnn said...

yum, it's always time for soup. and especially when you are feeling low. HOpe it helps you mend.