Saturday, June 7, 2008

When is Summer going to come?

Before I get into the good stuff, I just want to take a moment to complain. I hate this weather. Actually, I don't really hate the weather, I hate that it's June and this is the kind of weather we are having. Don't get me wrong, I love the beautiful Northwest, and it wouldn't be so beautiful if we didn't get so much rain. But, come on! How about a little warmth and sunshine??? I want to move....

On another note, I'll show you (my one and a half readers out there) what I have been doing:

Watching Plants Grow


Asiatic Lily


I love their freckles


Blackcapped Chickadee
Our little Chickadeelings have hatched. We only hear them squeaking when mom and dad come back with some food.

As a continuation of "things on the deck"...

Little brother came to visit after his second day at his big boy job. I couldn't resist a picture with the handsome man in a tie.

And one with the momma. Isn't she beautiful? I love my momma

And next we have...


Yes, I am finally sewing. It took me a while to get started, but now that I have I don't know if I can stop! I made...

Pillows. Yup, that's dupoini silk.

And a gift for a friend. You know who you are.

But I feel like I have to explain it to everyone - the blocks are supposed to be crooked! It was part of the pattern! I wish it wasn't, because it looks kind of ghetto. Sorry for the ghetto pot holder, Stef!

More fabric for more projects.

I love living near Fabric Depot. If you don't know what it is, it's like the Costco of fabrics. And this morning, 40% off all fabrics! Yes! So I decided that since the sun won't shine I can at least have some inside my house. I'm making new pillows - I do like the green silk ones I made, but I need some more color. I'm making an apron with the two fabrics on the left (like KeriAnns), the next two are for pillows, and I haven't quite decided with the others.

Sewing is hard for me - I'm too much of a perfectionist. That's probably why I have such a hard time with the crooked blocks on the pot holder. At the same time, I'm kind of lazy and want to cut corners. But I feel like I'm addicted! Must. Make. More. Stuff!


Anonymous said...

Am I the 1 reader or the half reader.


KeriAnn said...

haha, funny comment from anonymous above. also, loved the post.
and I also lamented the weather on my blog this morning! it's like wailing and nashing over here! Let's have some summer weather! global warming my patooty.
Nice work sewing!!! and i kind of like the ghetto look on the holder. I wish we had that fabric depot here. that would be the death of my pocketbook though.
I'm so glad you are making things grow. it's so much fun but i kill things that are green. I tell myself that the day i don't live in an apartment things will be different. it's a good thing that babies arent' green. too bad we can't have a gardening/sewing extravaganza together. that would be fun. ok, bye.

Heather said...

I'm going to guess that "anonymous" is Mr. Craig, due to the lack of proper punctuation. That being so, you can be the half reader. Ker can be the full reader! :)

Megan said...

I remember your mom from when she came to speak to us at our dorm meeting...or hall meeting? Can't remember what it was called anymore:-P But I do remember your mom, and she was fabulous!