Have you heard that if you put three theologians in a room they will have four different points of view? The point is that there are many, many theological viewpoints that we can subscribe to, and they can all be right in one way or another. Rather, none of them are wrong.
So what do you do? Are there only a few of us that will go to heaven? Will only those who subscribe to a certain view (say, predestination or free-will) be the only ones who are really saved? No, we don't believe that, do we? We know that there are certian essentials to being a believer and then there are other things that we can have liberty in interpretation.
Last night I had a meeting with the leadership team that I am on at my church. We always have a fantastic time together - we mesh very well. Our staff consultant is Dr. Dave. He has a doctorate in theology. What I appreciate about Dave is that he never makes you feel like you asked a stupid question. In his classes he never forces you to lean one way or another in your theology, instead he gives you all the options with the pros and cons of each. I digress... He made a comment on prayer that struck me:
"Praying is not like picking up the dog poop."
I don't know about in your christian circles, but often in my christian circles when the invitation is extended for a volunteer to pray, most people shrink away like it's the plague.
The truth is that prayer is a gift from God given to believers. Here is your chance to speak to the living God! And if we beleive that what scripture says is true, then God actually wants to hear us. What can get better than that? I don't know about you, but I would much rather pray than pick up the dog poop.
I know that often the reason most people shrink away from public prayer is not because they don't want to speak to God, but they are nervous about praying in front of people. Listen: there is no right or wrong way to pray. It is speaking to God. You can do it how ever you want. We are all individuals - let's all pray in our own individual way. We can often find ourselves intimidated because so-and-so prays so "well." Remember that there is no formula or secret phrase that you have to say for the prayer to be "good." And you'll never become confident in public prayer if you never try.
the marriage

I think there is a place for deep theological thoughts, but I don't think we will ever fully understand those things until we have an understanding and love of the simple, the basic, things.
Brothers and sisters, take advantage of being able to speak to God. It's is no light thing. Don't take it for granted. I think that it must pain the heart of our Heavenly Father when we refuse to pray to Him, no matter what the circumstance. Let's join hands and praise our God.
(*note* Please, no one take this in a harsh or condesending tone. I say this with every ounce love in my heart wishing only the best things for you. My greatest desire is to see you grow in your relationship with Christ. For my youth, know that adults struggle with this as much as you do; nearly the same thing happens in our adult classes as happens in our class. Let's break the mold and be an example of a praying youth group to the adults in our church. If you feel that prayer (either public or private) is difficult for you, please talk to me, or guys, talk to Andy. As our culture continues to degrade we need to step up and be the praying people. We can do it! Hurah!)
you are right Heather, about our simple love for God coming before our theological "knowledge". after all, if you cannot love you are but a resounding gong.
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