Thursday, April 17, 2008

Google Analytics

I have Google Analytics on my blog. I also have it on the company website that I manage. It's fun to check the analytics on my blog and see where in the world people are looking at my blog (New Zealand, this week). For my company website it's a good way to track if the promo I do is directing traffic to the website. But what I find the most interesting is looking at what people are searching for when they stumble on the site.

For my work site, it's the usual things - "baptist foundation" "gift annuities" etc. What a shock when I saw MY name being searched for! "heather wright public relations" and "heather wright portland oregon." It's kind of creepy that some one put in your name into a search engine. They must not have been looking for me, though, because they left the site almost immediately.

For my blog only two searches have led people to my site. The first is "the history of emo" which sadly only led them to a post that talked about War and Peace and Leo Tolstoy. Recently I got my second search - "does god want me to quit my job?" OH!

Of course, I don't know who searched that and came to my site, but they left almost immediately too. But this question says something very sad about the state of our country (or New Zealand). Why would someone type those words into the internet? I'll be the first to say that God does speak through some interesting avenues, but I don't think that I would expect to find an answer by Googling my request.

I can sense desparation in that question thrown into cyberspace. "does god want me to quit my job?" It makes me think about my own life as a child of God and of the church as a whole - what are we (am I) doing or not doing that would cause people to search the internet for the answers to life's questions? Oh, God, why are we not the place for answers?


Anonymous said...

I googled "crappy cedar boxes" and it led me to this site. CD I was JK


Heather said...

Yeah, "Mr. Anonymous", aka, CRAIG!